
Green Thursday The Piping Plovers are Back

For Green Thursday.

They're baaaaack :O)

Every year for the past 3-4 years the piping plovers have returned to the eastern beach in Wasaga beach. They make their nests in the sand for their young and we're waiting. The whole area and birding enthusiasts have falllen in love with them. There is another mesting area in Sauble Beach on Lake Huron.

Piping Plovers are rare, endangered birds. There are approximately 55 nesting couples around the Great Lakes and this year we have 2 couples and one other male here in Wasaga Beach. The other female stayed in Michigan apparently. They are waiting for their eggs to hatch, although they are late by about a week. Last year the eggs were lost during a hail storm and to a predator. :(

I posted some of the signs :0)) that the Ministry of Natural Resources have posted. ** Wasaga Beach shoreline is a provincial park and falls under the auspices of MNR. They have done a great job of maintaining the beach, preserving the sand dunes and educating the public on beach stewardship.

Along the boardwalk, there is a very large area fenced off.

One of the areas where the birds run around. The chicks are so cute and they zip along quickly ;) They like to get to the water's edge to get their little webbed feet wet ;) There are many have volunteers out all day talking about the plovers and documenting any activity :0) YAY to the Volunteers!!

I am taking these photos from behind a fence, obviously zoomed, which is why the photos are a bit blurred.

Taking care of their young.

They leave all the drift wood for the birds to nest and hide in. Their colours camouflage them from predators. They even left a dead seagull on the beach in hopes of scaring other gulls away. Notice the cage on the right, a protected area where they nest. We saw them exchange and take turns sitting on the eggs :)

And here are the little plovers running, and playing :) along the water! One, we called him Jack, liked to run ahead of the others. He was sort of an independent little fellow. They were fun to watch try to fly, at one point the three of them all flapped their little wings and got about 12 " off the ground before the fell back down! So cute!

More on the Piping Plovers in Wasaga Beach, click here
and here in the Toronto Star.

For more green/environmentally oriented posts check out the Rambling Woods Blog for some excellent articles and photos!


P.S. My friend in Saskatchewan is a wonderful gardener, an all natural, pesticide free zone :) A perfect for thie Green Thursday! So have a peek at her blog and her photo of her first tomato of the season! Whoohoo.

School of Yard Knocks: Gardening Guess by Golly in Saskatoon by Jacki


McKlinky Blog Hop ~Happy Feet :)

I couldn't resist and had to participate in the McKlinky Blog Hop meme. It looks like fun!

I can't choose just one favourite photo, but I will go with this one. Simple times, relaxing times sitting on my beach :) As I get older I realize how much I appreciate these times.

I am covered with an SPF60 (as you can tell by the photo I would need it). Yup, I am a long time ebayer and love my ebay flip flops from the ebay Live convention in Las Vegas and yup, I like my French manis and pedis as a treat!. ;) And by the way *ahem, they are size 7 feet!

I would have my book, an Oprah magazine, my blackberry for the music only and a large pink lemonade crystal light with ice.

I couldn't find the original or get this cropped in Photobucket, so my logo/mark is cut off.

For more fun and this weeks theme go and check out Tranquility...and Turmoil

Watery Wednesday #43

They're here...finally. Beach Days

Thank you for hosting this meme.Check out Watery Wednesday for more fabulous Watery Wednesday photos.



Ruby Tuesday 6.7.09

For more wonderful Ruby Red Tuesday photos check out Work of the Poet. She has a lovely blog. Enjoy



Mellow Yellow Monday Posies


I love Mellow Yellow's philosophy...the world looks better with a splash of yellow.

I am in a posy frame of mind.

For more wonderful splashes of yellow, check out other Mellow Yellow Mondays



Mosaic Monday ~ A Few Posies

A few posies in and around the garden:)

For many FABULOUS mosaic, check out Mosaic Mondays at the Little Red House.



Happy 4th of July Good Neighbours :0)

Have a wonderful Independence Day American friends. I've seen many US licence plates around here visiting and enjoying the holiday weekend.

** These are not graphics made by me. I have some 'snags' from various graphic sites