
Early Morning Company ~ Watery Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday

Photobucketand Photobucket

On a quiet early spring morning out on Georgian Bay (Lake Huron) in Central Ontario.

Thank you for hosting these memes.Check out Watery Wednesday for more fabulous Watery Wednesday photos and Outdoor Wednesday for beautiful outdoor photos.


Unknown said...

wow, they're having a party!:P

wonderful shots!

Natasha in Oz said...

These are great images of the birds. I wonder how many were there? Looks like hundreds...not so quiet after they arrived I guess!!

Best wishes,

Animor said...

Oh that's a countless birds, lucky to capture them altogethen in a good time. They look so beautiful.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh my that is a lot of geese! I'm thinking they were very noisy!

Maggie said...

What a wonderful sight to see, amazing!

Laura said...

I love the second photo where the geese are just beginning to take flight...or perhaps they are landing?

A Garden of Threads said...

Nice shot of the geese on the bay, still looks cold. Living in southern Ontario, I know the bay can still be cold in the middle of summer.

Ladynred said...

Wow! amazing birds..

Its Time to Live said...

Just passing through your blog for a visit and stopped to say hello befor moving on!